

英漢字典: get by

1. pass 通過

    I moved aside to let him get by. 我讓到一旁讓他過去。

    A lorry blocked the pathway, so that we couldn't get by. 一輛卡車把路堵了,我們過不去。

    Please move to the right so he can get by. 請向右移一下,以便讓他過去。

2. succeed by a very narrow margin;reach a standard that is acceptable but not very good 勉強及格;勉強通過或達到標準

    I didn't do too well on the examination,but I think I'll get by. 我考的不太好,但我想我會勉強及格。

    Your work will get by,but try to improve it. 你的工作勉強達到標準,但要爭取做得更好些。

3. not to be caught and scolded or punished 躲過;避開

    How can we get by that guard at the door? 我們怎樣才能躲過門口的衛兵呢?

    The boy got by without answering the teacher's question because a visitor came in. 這位學生沒有回答老師的問題,但因為有客來訪,所以沒有受到批評。

4. make ends meet 勉強生存She gets by on a remarkably small income. 她靠著微薄的收入過活。

    He once got by on hunting. 他曾一度靠打獵勉強維持生活。

5. be tolerable;be passable 受得了;過得去

    This work will get by, but that's all. 這活還能對付得過去,可也就如此了。

    The business has fallen off,but we manage to get by somehow. 生意蕭條了,可我們還是設法勉強過下去。

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